Inmormantare fratele Bibi

September 3, 2014 by  
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One Response to “Inmormantare fratele Bibi”

    Im so sorry to learn that Bibi passed away. I met him (and his lovely family) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, long time ago.

    Despite all the formalities that embraces the diplomatic way of doing things, Bibi was one of the warmest persons that I ever met. He even taught me how the change tires…and trust me, still a very useful skill. Anyways, just would like to say that Im sad right know, but I consider myself lucky to had the chance to learn something from him (not only tires changing for sure). He kinda inspired me to attend law school and travel to Romania (which I did and was awesome).

    Well, rest in peace old buddy. May God have you and His love! You deserve it!

    Mulţumesc Mult


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