December 25th& 27th, church services are suspended

December 19, 2020 by  
Filed under Anunturi, Buletin Duminical

Vineri & Duminica, 25 & 27 Decembrie 2020, servicile divine din biserica se suspenda deoarece avem multe cazuri pozitive de Covid. Domnul sa dea vindecare deplina tuturor şi bucuria Naşterii Mântutorului să nu fie umbrită de această boală. Vă dorim un Crăciun binecuvântat tuturor!

On December 25th & 27th, church services are suspended because of several positive Covid cases. May Lord thoroughly health to all and the joy of the birth of our Savior to not be shadowed by this virus. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas!

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